This was such a tender post. I’m so sorry about your mom 💔 but I’m thinking you being by her side, as hard as that was for you, was a gift for her. All you wrote about the practice in the spread and the Queen of Cups, the state of the world, the looking for a therapist… it all resonated so deeply. Thank you for sharing. Be well. I hope you have a peaceful weekend…🩷🩷

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This is very kind <3 <3

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I'm sorry to hear about everything you have been going through. I really resonate with the feeling of not doing self care so well in the times you need it most. I agree too about the gaian tarot guide book. I often refer back to it as well as your website of course. Thank you.

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This is such a meaningful exploration of your current internal/external state of affairs. I have passed through this very same Valley of Shadows myself in my recent past, and all I can offer is a bobbing light off in the distance, up ahead. You will find your own way forward, and I am happy to be in a position to tell you that it IS possible, that which you have seen in the mirror of your chosen cards.

The events you describe, both the details and the broader sketches, seem to me to be a certain 'rite of passage' for some of us who have that need to connect/heal/help yet stay within our own integrity. It's a seriously challenging and even, at times, precarious 'place' to reside in, and it WILL come with challenges that urge us to retreat for a while, then find a way to live in some manner of very simple balance, holding the paradox with both hands, with head and heart, with self-love and outward-beaming love.

Light doesn't technically "exist" until it reflects off of some surface; the magical form is when that surface is another living creature, hence we are drawn to that interface. No less, in many ways, however, is that the light falls on majestic rock formations, clouds, trees, flowers, etc. We must stop or slow down, tend to our inner wounds and not try to erase the event, but to find a way to live within and through the suffering part, again -- internal and external. Once we are aligned better (outside/inside) we can shine our light and let it fall where it may. It WILL be seen, it WILL make a difference. It's tough when we don't or can't see that energy fall onto others and be shared, but for our own sanity and health, we've still got to be part of the source.

Love and hopes for the repurposed sisyphus-energy inside you, rearranging the stones on your path, but with success ahead! Big Hugs and many thanks for putting this out here.

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Thank you so much ✨💙✨

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This is such wonderful, emotional writing. Thank you you much for this. I love the way you have interpreted the Ace of Pentacles in particular - it really resonates with where I am in my life as well.

And I'm going to try that spread this weekend, it sounds so intruiging.

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May the spread serve you well! 🙏🏻

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Thank you for sharing this, Carrie. ❤️ I can relate to your reaction to the Queen of Cups. 2022 was very dark for me and I felt the same way for a while.

Sending much love your way 🌻

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Thank you, Ania <3 I am reciprocating the love right back to you!

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Sending love your way. I’m so glad you’re able

to take care of yourself now. Thank you for this spread- it’s so helpful! Love the way the cards are divided, too…

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